Howdy all you Sweet
Faces!!! (^_^)
SO…In the last blog I mentioned that I was going to try and see if I could give
you guys a list of various products that are organic, natural and healthy for
your body as well as cost efficient. I discovered when I started to change the
various types of cleaning products, shampoos & conditioners and more … that
switching to better ingredients often meant that you had to pay significantly
more for the good stuff!!! Ugh… who want’s to do that??? Let me run through a
quick list of things that typically deter us from making that leap to natural
and organic products.
1. First of all, the healthier products
either smell weird, or they don’t smell like anything at all!!! That is NOT
giving me a reason to stop using my Herbal Essences Shampoo and Victoria’s
Secret Tahiti Love Body Lotion!!!
· Although this has pretty much been
the case for many of the products that were first making the transition to
being green/organic,
there is currently a larger variety of different products that have essentially
mastered the art of packing delicious scents into the healthier stuff!!! And
yes this includes Shampoos and Body Lotions!!! LOL (^_^) It has become être chic to have an organic or natural line now a days. And since people are trying
to be more conscientious when it comes to natural health, you’re not cool
unless you own some type of organic health care product !!!
2. I want to try a shampoo/conditioner/Body
gel/facial scrub/lotion that is organic but, I just can’t get into having to
order everything online just because my grocery store doesn’t carry that stuff.
Believe it or not you don’t have to rely on the internet to get your products
or to even experiment with something new. Off the top of my head I am sure that
all of you are familiar with the Stores Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods!!! Well,
guess what??? Both stores carry organic/ natural body care products. There are
also some vitamin stores that carry some of the good stuff as well. You can
even find some organic products at Ulta,Cvs, Walgreens, Sephora, Walmart and Target.
Yes… I said Tar-gét and Walmart!!! I am more than sure
you know where one of those are located … right this very minute!!! But, if you
really want to try your fill of organic lines… you can have a field day @ Whole
Foods for sure. They carry some of my favorite organic lines like Aubrey
Organics, Jason Naturals, Abba, Giovanni and Alba Botanica. They also carry
brands that are popular, but I have yet to try like: Kiss my Face, Avalon
Organics, Burts Bee’s and Alterna just to name a few.
3. Some of the prices for these little
8 or 12 oz bottles of products is way too expensive or my taste, and it’s more
cost efficient to just go ahead and get that Pantene ProV like I had been
ha… yet another excuse to keep doing what you’re doing huh??? Well, consider
this. Although you might have visited Whole Foods and the price of some of the
products might have screamed profanity at you with the exorbitant price tag
that quite frankly should give you the right to press changes against the
store, there are other ways to purchase the items you want without having to
work three jobs to be able to afford them. The first thing you can do, is take
yourself over to the stores like Trader Joes, Cvs, Wallgreens,Target and Walmart
and see what they have in store for you in person. The variety may not be as
vast, but the objective is to get your hands on organic products that don’t put
you in the poor house and do the job they are intended to do. Some of the
stores that are well known for carrying organic products charge more for the
items because they figure anyone who is coming to that store can afford to pay
whatever they charge. If you’re like me, I take the time to see if I can buy
the exact same products for a discounted price at either a vitamin store that
carries the brands I want, or I just buy online. There are four places that I
always check to see if I can get a better deal. Amazon, Ebay, Vitacost and (I will supply the direct addresses towards the end of this
blog) But for the most part, I am satisfied with just purchasing the items at
one of the stores because in all honesty, the prices and sizes are actually
reasonable (12 – 16 oz)!!! (^_^)
that was certainly interesting and fun to break down, I have even more exciting
information to share with you. Last blog I stated that I was going to see if I
could find a way to provide you all the opportunity to buy some of the products
that I swear by at a price that you just can’t get at the store or on other
online stores. Below is a list of some of the products that I was able to
locate at a reasonable price:
Botanica Natural Very Emollient Body Unscented/ Original 32oz bottle $10.00 (original price $18.49
online) |
Botanica Natural Very Emollient Body Unscented/
Original 20 oz bottle $8.00
Sea Algae Enzyme Facial Scrub 4oz $6.00
(original price $11.49) |
Botanica Medium Hold Hair Spray 8oz $7.00
(original price $9.95) |
70% Aloe Vera Hand and Body Lotion 16oz $7.00 (original price$8.83 for 8oz bottle) |
Calming Lavender Pure Natural Body Wash 20oz $8.00
(original price $13.79 for 30oz) |
Color Protect Henna Shampoo 16oz $6.00
(original price $8.97) |
Ester-C Complete Antioxidant Skin Care Kit : Gentle Facial Wash 2oz,Super-C
Toner 2oz, Ester-C Hydrating Masque 0.5oz, Ester-C Cream Anti-Aging Moisturizer
0.25oz $15.00 (original price$8.89 for Gentle Facial Wash 6
oz/ $7.97 for Super-C Toner 6 oz/ $14.99 for Ester-C Cream Anti-Aging Moisturizer 2oz/$22.28 for Ester-C Hydrating Masque 2.5oz) |
Thin- to- Thick Hair and Scalp Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner Sampler 1.5oz
each with Jason Satin Shower Gel 2oz and Jason Hand Sanitizer 2oz $8.00 (original price $11.20
for shampoo for conditioner 8oz/ Apricot Satin Shower Body Wash$8.00 for 12 oz / $4 Hand
Sanitizer 2oz ) |
Natural Tea Tree Shampoo, Conditioner,Tea Tree Satin Shower Body Wash Sampler
2oz each with Jason Hand Sanitizer 2oz $8.00
(original price $9.78 for shampoo 17.5oz/ $8.39 for conditioner 8oz/ $13.49
for Tea Tree body wash 30oz/ $4 Hand Sanitizer
2oz ) |
Power Smile Cinnamon Powermint Mouthwash 16 oz $6
(original price $9.30) |
the most part if any of you are interested in buying any of the products, I do
have these items and a few other items that I simply didn’t list here or are
not actually 100% organic but are pretty popular listed on ebay in the link
below. This is actually a link to the page that will show you all of the items
that are available for purchase. And naturally since I am not a wholesale
seller yet I can only list one item at a time opposed to having more quantities
of the same item listed for sale. In any event, if you find that you are
interested in purchasing something from this link or something that I have
listed. Shoot me an email, and I will work something out with you!!! So, go
ahead and take a look, browse around and do some comparison shopping!!! (^_^)
Here is a list of websites that I
love: You can find excellent prices on organic products here!!!
Well love bugs… it is approaching 2am, and I
am getting all tuckered out! (I worked pretty hard at trying to get this
particular blog done… whew. But… you guys are totally worth it!!! ) So with that said and done, I
really hope you enjoyed today’s blog. And I look forward to talking to you guys
about a new topic that I have yet to discuss with you all. And that is Co-Washing!!!
Ooooooooh!!! I’m getting excited just thinking about it. LOL. Anyway, thank you
for tuning in to today’s blog. I had a wonderful time and look forward to
presenting you all with more stimulating information. Natuarally, I hope to see
you back for my next topic. Until then…