Friday, April 20, 2012

6th blog: Curlformers Have Arrived!!! YAY!!!

Hello hello hello love bugs (^_^)!!!

Lots of really exciting things happened yesterday that I am bubbling to share with you all!!!  First and foremost, for those of you that are not quite accustomed to my birthday traditions… my birthday starts April 16th and ends April 30th.  I’ve been celebrating my date of birth that way since high school!!! LOL. So, now let me start with the festivities. On Wednesday evening I had taken my second twist out down and took pictures of what my hair looked like. O-M-G!!! This is actually my second twist out that I have tried and…MAN…it was sooo awesome!!! I never thought that my hair would look like this in it’s natural state. I mean, I had already thoroughly enjoyed what my hair looked like when it was in the twist set. So when I took the set out, I was totally not expecting my hair to look so wavy and curly the way it did. (I wanted to include pictures towards the end of this blog so that you guys can see what I’m talking about... but I am not able to access them for some ignorant reason. I might have to create a blog just for the pictures some time next week when my phone is either replaced, or I can access the images again.) I managed to sent a picture to my best friend in the universe Kalee who is a professional hair stylist. She liked the twist out set quite a bit!!! We then set up a lunch date for the up coming weekend. I have not seen her and the kiddies since August (I interviewed her children for the radio program that I work on @ KPFK that month!!!) I wrapped up my hair in my silk scarf and went to bed. I popped up the following morning at 6:30am and unwrapped my hair. It still looked great. I went through my morning ritual, then headed out to my doctor’s appointment. Everything was fantastic there. Early afternoon I went to pick up my mail and was delighted to see that my curlformers had arrived…YAY!!! I took care of some other important business until 5pm. And as soon as that was finished, I went home and started playing with the curlformers!!!
It is really funny. It is almost like I have a brand new toy just for my hair. I must have put a small section of hair in one of the curlers just to see if it was something difficult to manipulate and set, and discovered that not only is it easy, but it is essentially easier to use than the flexi rods that I was originally using to set my hair in the curly hairstyle for the past few years. I only had the pink spiral in my hair for about 20 minutes. So I knew that my hair was not going to be curled within that time frame. I just worked to see if I could place the roller close to my scalp to completely encase all of the hair in the section, and was satisfied by witnessing the process first hand. Now, before I get overly excited and everything let me say this, I think I have discovered a straight winner!!! BUT… I have yet to wash my hair and try the entire package out on my wet tresses. SO… the determining factor will rest upon whether or not the 40 spiral rollers will be capable of producing magnificent curls after I have set my hair in the rollers overnight. Obviously I am very optimistic being that I have already had success with styling my hair naturally without curlers or other tools. The only concern that I do have is that I may need to purchase additional rollers in order to do all of my hair. I have run into the complication of having to count every flexi rod to the tee because my hair was too thick to form larger sections onto the apparatus. I think I might have had 38 rods that I used. Sleeping in them forced me to be extremely creative being that they were so very uncomfortable to lay on, I had to situate my head so that my neck was propped up on a pillow in order for me to sit straight up and sleep. LOL. Amazing what woman will do in order to achieve their beauty goals. The curlformers that I have purchased come with 20 rollers that curl clockwise (orange) and 20 rollers that curl counterclockwise (pink). So for each side of my head I have 20 curlers available, and just from installing one of the curlers in my hair it seemed that a uniformed direction would make it easier for me to set my hair overnight without having to devise an alternative sleeping formula.
 Well, I plan on washing and setting my hair in my new toys today. Sometime next week I will post a result blog to tell you all how this product worked for me. That is pretty much all that I have to share for the time being sweetnesses!!! As always, I am so glad that you took the time to read today's blog. I look forward to entertaining you once again soon. Until then...

Orevwa (^_^)


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