Monday, April 23, 2012

#7 : Curlformers Review

Howdy Love bugs (^_^),
               So… naturally I want to get straight into this review. In my last blog, I told you all about this new toy I bought for my hair called curlformers. Well, curlformers really are a completely remarkable tool to use in setting one’s hair. For relatively normal sized sections, it was very easy to slide those pieces through the wand and into the spiral roller. But, it took me quite a while to get the hang of how to place larger sections of my hair in the creative curlers, but… I did manage to manipulate each spiral case and put all of my hair in the provided instruments.
               I had no problem whatsoever with the process of pulling my hair through the rollers, but as was my concern prior to starting the task… I discovered that 40 curlformers was NOT enough for my hair. In truth I really needed between 50 - 60 of the color designated hair curlers in order to properly set my hair without over burdening some of the rollers with an overpopulation of my tresses. Due to this issue, I had to overstuff some of the rollers to the brim. I was stuck at one larger section for close to 10 minutes. The hair was so copious in that particular part, I had to re- twist and thread my hair through the wand used to pull the hair through the entire length of the curlformer 6 or 7 times because the wand kept getting stuck and tangled into my hair. It was maddening.  But I did manage to still put all of my hair in the spirals without having sections left out. That in and of itself was remarkable. I was correct in assuming that in comparison to the flexi rods that I had been using to curl my hair, these curlformers would be easier to sleep in. I did not have a problem sleeping in these little guys at all. As a matter of fact, I thought about the various video’s that I have watched featuring women of color giving their opinion on how they felt about sleeping in the curlformers. Most of the women said that they were difficult or painful to sleep in. Well, I would have to disagree with them there. I would not say that the spiral rollers were difficult or painful to sleep in as much as they were slightly uncomfortable. But, as I said before in comparison to flexi rollers, curlformers are far more comfortable to sleep in. With Curlformers, there is a uniformity that the rollers themselves fall into. When you set your hair in the curlformers, the roller hangs down along the side of your head regardless of where you place the spiral roller. With the flexi rods, you have to physically shape the beginning and the end part of the rod which does not settle into uniformity or a direction like the curlformers. Therefore, the rods often times twist and bend stressing and causing painful pulls to the scalp and hair if you do not lay upon them a certain way.

               I was just happy that I was able to do my hair with these new toys and they came out wonderful!!!  It really surprised me being that my hair is natural. As a matter of fact the hair that was encased in the curler was pretty straight and uniform besides the curl (meaning when I stretched the curl out, the hair strands were relatively straight and not knatted or tangled) I had mentioned previously that I was having trouble accessing my photographs. So far … that has not changed. I can’t get any of the pictures. So, the moment I am able to receive them, I will devote a special blog just for the purpose of showing you my hairstyles for the past few weeks or however long it takes me to get those blasted pictures!!!
               Well, I’m off to have a late lunch!!! I hope all of you enjoyed my brief post for the day. As always, I hope you stay tuned. Until then…

 (Zàijiàn) (^_^)

Friday, April 20, 2012

6th blog: Curlformers Have Arrived!!! YAY!!!

Hello hello hello love bugs (^_^)!!!

Lots of really exciting things happened yesterday that I am bubbling to share with you all!!!  First and foremost, for those of you that are not quite accustomed to my birthday traditions… my birthday starts April 16th and ends April 30th.  I’ve been celebrating my date of birth that way since high school!!! LOL. So, now let me start with the festivities. On Wednesday evening I had taken my second twist out down and took pictures of what my hair looked like. O-M-G!!! This is actually my second twist out that I have tried and…MAN…it was sooo awesome!!! I never thought that my hair would look like this in it’s natural state. I mean, I had already thoroughly enjoyed what my hair looked like when it was in the twist set. So when I took the set out, I was totally not expecting my hair to look so wavy and curly the way it did. (I wanted to include pictures towards the end of this blog so that you guys can see what I’m talking about... but I am not able to access them for some ignorant reason. I might have to create a blog just for the pictures some time next week when my phone is either replaced, or I can access the images again.) I managed to sent a picture to my best friend in the universe Kalee who is a professional hair stylist. She liked the twist out set quite a bit!!! We then set up a lunch date for the up coming weekend. I have not seen her and the kiddies since August (I interviewed her children for the radio program that I work on @ KPFK that month!!!) I wrapped up my hair in my silk scarf and went to bed. I popped up the following morning at 6:30am and unwrapped my hair. It still looked great. I went through my morning ritual, then headed out to my doctor’s appointment. Everything was fantastic there. Early afternoon I went to pick up my mail and was delighted to see that my curlformers had arrived…YAY!!! I took care of some other important business until 5pm. And as soon as that was finished, I went home and started playing with the curlformers!!!
It is really funny. It is almost like I have a brand new toy just for my hair. I must have put a small section of hair in one of the curlers just to see if it was something difficult to manipulate and set, and discovered that not only is it easy, but it is essentially easier to use than the flexi rods that I was originally using to set my hair in the curly hairstyle for the past few years. I only had the pink spiral in my hair for about 20 minutes. So I knew that my hair was not going to be curled within that time frame. I just worked to see if I could place the roller close to my scalp to completely encase all of the hair in the section, and was satisfied by witnessing the process first hand. Now, before I get overly excited and everything let me say this, I think I have discovered a straight winner!!! BUT… I have yet to wash my hair and try the entire package out on my wet tresses. SO… the determining factor will rest upon whether or not the 40 spiral rollers will be capable of producing magnificent curls after I have set my hair in the rollers overnight. Obviously I am very optimistic being that I have already had success with styling my hair naturally without curlers or other tools. The only concern that I do have is that I may need to purchase additional rollers in order to do all of my hair. I have run into the complication of having to count every flexi rod to the tee because my hair was too thick to form larger sections onto the apparatus. I think I might have had 38 rods that I used. Sleeping in them forced me to be extremely creative being that they were so very uncomfortable to lay on, I had to situate my head so that my neck was propped up on a pillow in order for me to sit straight up and sleep. LOL. Amazing what woman will do in order to achieve their beauty goals. The curlformers that I have purchased come with 20 rollers that curl clockwise (orange) and 20 rollers that curl counterclockwise (pink). So for each side of my head I have 20 curlers available, and just from installing one of the curlers in my hair it seemed that a uniformed direction would make it easier for me to set my hair overnight without having to devise an alternative sleeping formula.
 Well, I plan on washing and setting my hair in my new toys today. Sometime next week I will post a result blog to tell you all how this product worked for me. That is pretty much all that I have to share for the time being sweetnesses!!! As always, I am so glad that you took the time to read today's blog. I look forward to entertaining you once again soon. Until then...

Orevwa (^_^)


Monday, April 16, 2012

Birthday Blogg (^_^) : 5th Post

Happy Monday Love Bugs (^_^)!!!
                Today is my birthday!!! YAY ME… and all of my fellow twin spirited siblings around the globe!!! A few world renowned Aries that share this day with me are the following: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Martin Lawrence and Charlie Chaplin!!! So with pleasing company this day, I will begin today’s blog.
                There was a patch/ section in my scalp that itched and felt very dry and hurt when I touched it yesterday. After reading some of the information that I posted in my last blog, I decided to try applying said ointments to myself. I made a simple batch of ACV treatment after re-wetting my scalp and applied the ointment to the affected areas. When I awakened this morning, I was pleased to observe a lack of tenderness and itchy scalp after using the treatment yesterday. YAY!!! So now I think I am going to start making my own concoctions in order to address some of my scalp concerns from now on.
                For the next couple of weeks or so, I am going to try to keep track of how my scalp responds to the new regiment that I am in the process of creating. For my daily intake, I will address my health changes based off of what I ingest. I mentioned in the last blog that I had been taking vitamins in addition to eating healthier. I have actually added a few more vitamins to the agenda, but I had forgotten to tell you what the first set was. SO… I will address that in just a second. I think that I am going to have to buy one of those daily vitamin organizers. You know those little plastic Sunday through Monday compartment boxes that you see in every senior citizen or terminally ill person’s medicine cabinet??? There are so many vitamins that I am taking now, I fear that I am going to have to get one of those organizers. For the most part, I have been able to eat majority of the foods that naturally produce the vitamins needed to maintain a healthy diet (even with my little sweet tooth). Yesterday I tried to add peaches to the mix, but I am pretty sure that is not going to make the cut. First of all, the peaches are not organic, AND, they are saturated in a thick syrup of sugar and other preservatives. I’m cool on that. Especially after reading that the peaches were okay to keep in the refrigerated part of the produce section to sell until 04/04/2013!!! NOPE… if it can keep for a year in the same section, I do not need to be eating that.
                Moving right along… some of the vitamins that I have been taking I shall list below, and I will include their function:

·         Glucosamine Chondroitin and MSM – This vitamin is a unique combination of ingredients used to promote and help facilitate joint support. It’s aids in developing and maintaining cartilage and strengthens the connective tissue that helps form the structural components in joints. I have been having problems with my knees cracking and popping constantly, so I have started taking this vitamin to help my joints grow a bit stronger.  (Three horse pellets per serving)
·         Hair Skin &Nails - As is mentioned in the name of this vitamin, it is used to promote and develop healthy hair, skin and nails by combining lots of ingredients that are often found naturally in all three. In the vitamin however, there is an enhancement in the % of some of the ingredients in order to stimulate hair and nail growth and increase protection of cells for healthier skin. (Three horse pellets per serving)
·         Fish Oil – This vitamin is used to reduce coronary heart disease or the likelihood of developing it in the future. This vitamin also helps to maintain triglyceride levels. (Two soft gel horse pellets per serving)
·         Acidophilus – This is rather an easier vitamin to take because of it’s smaller size. It is a probiotic used to maintain gastrointestinal health. It’s a vitamin pretty much for women like me that do not eat very much yogurt but still want to minimize yeast overgrowth. That’s right. This vitamin helps to keep yeast infections at bay by producing counter microorganisms that eat up the extra yeast. (Two regular sized pills per serving)
·         Multi Prenatal – This vitamin is typically used by pregnant women or women who are nursing and provides them with important ingredients that promote healthy development of the nervous system, bone development and helps to reduce the risk of the baby developing spinal bifida or having other types of brain defects. Although I am not pregnant or nursing, I tend to use this vitamin as a multi vitamin because of certain deficiencies that I have. And it also does not interfere with some of the other vitamins that I take to address other issues. (One horse pellet per serving)
·         CoQ10 – Pure and simple, this particular vitamin is used to help produce energy for your heart by providing antioxidants. (One regular sized softgel pill per serving)
·         Milk Thistle – This is actually an herbal supplement as opposed to a dietary supplement. The use of this extract has been clinically shown to maintain healthy liver function. It is basically used by those health nuts that are concerned with environmental toxins caused by cigarette smoke, pollution and alcohol consumption. Being that I do not smoke or drink, I am one of those health nuts that want to purge the toxins that I encounter by second hand smoke and other pollution. But I also want to cleanse my liver because that is the huge organ that processes blood and purges it of the harmful substances and toxins that are put into the body. Bottom line here is, if something goes wrong with the liver… you are in trouble!!! (One oblong sized capsule per serving)
·         Stress B-Complex – This is a really good vitamin in that it’s ingredients helps the body’s energy production and enhances the natural immune system. (One regular sized tablet per serving)

Now I just listed all of the vitamins I am taking. But the most difficult thing is the fact that I have soooo many pills!!! I listed them by the amount I had to take the most of, and labeled how many per vitamin.  I have to take three of the first two listed vitamins. With just two vitamins alone I have to take 6 jumbo horse pellet sized pills!!! Ughhhh!!! With all of the pills combined, I have to consume 14 pills per day!!! I was telling my father … no wonder people that are terminally ill have a hard time taking all of their medication. It’s no wonder they don’t just skip it and give up!!! My Uncle who was terminally ill had to take something like 28 pills a day. He refused to take them after a while. It was just too draining on him. So now you see why I believe I might have to get one of those medication organizers. Yesterday was the first day I took all of the pills in one setting. I will take today’s dosage throughout the day and see how that fairs for me. But, I will try to keep up with any improvements or change I may discover over the next week or so. See if I notice anything in my sleeping or eating patterns or in my physical appearance that is note worthy. Anywho, I have decided to take 7 in the morning and then the following 7 in the evening or a few hours later. Let's see how that works.
As a present to myself, I purchased a set of extra long & wide curlformers!!! I am soooo excited. Hopefully I will get them sometime this week delivered to me, and I will be able to tell you first hand how they worked for me and include pictures as well!!! 

That pretty much does it for my birthday post!! As always, I hope you have all enjoyed reading today’s blog and will tune in for the next installment!!! Until then 


Saturday, April 14, 2012

10 Days Later: 4th Update

Hello there beauties!!! (^_^)

                It has been a while since I have given any updates in my quest to improve the health and length of my tresses!!! Ten days to be exact. In addition to improving my mane, I am also trying to become a healthier human being as well. So time had passed quickly as my days have become fuller. But that is a good thing I believe!!! Well, let me see what has happened since the last time I have written here. I have been taking multivitamins by Nature made every day since first purchasing the bottle possibly 2 weeks ago or less. In addition, I have learned of a greater variety of fruits and foods that I can enjoy in my healthy lifestyle transformation.
As you already know, I have been relegating what I consider a superior choice in attempting to only ingesting organic fruits and vegetables. Sometimes I am not able to find an organic item and have to settle for the regular items (like pineapples and watermelons) but for the most part, I can consume majority of the items in organic form. In that list, not only do I still eat organic carrots, spinach, oranges ,bananas  and green apples (I do not like the taste of red apples because they tend to be less sour and less crunchy), but I have also expanded to include organic mangos and kiwi’s. I wonder if you are supposed to eat the skin of the kiwi. It seems easy enough to eat. But, who knows. Anywho, this is what I have been eating in the fruit and veggie department. Soon I am going to start creating recipe’s to make organic Borscht (Russian beetroot soup), organic asparagus and other green veggies.
In terms of the healthy snacks that are not in fruit or veggie form, I have been totally devouring rice cakes, smoked almonds, sunflower seeds and Kind Plus bars. You know those little fruit and nut filled bars that are strategically placed at the registers of every Starbucks across America. Until December, I had no idea they came in other flavors that did not include cranberries, cashews and apricots. Those are two types of fruits that I want no part in mingling and meshing with nuts inside of my mouth!!!  And the smell of cashews turns my stomach. So anyway, I looked at the section in Trader Joes that has nutrition bars, and found one that I liked located not too far from Tiger milk bars (those had been my favorite since high school. I was allergic to power bars and didn’t find that out until I ate one while waiting to participate in a track and field invitational @ Mt. Sac. My eyes straight swelled up and expanded out of my sockets so far that they had stuck to my sunglasses. I never tried that again after that experience!!!). The Kind bar had coconuts, almonds and honey as the main ingredients. Straight deliciocity!!! And the price is so much better at Trader Joes than it is at say Kroger, Dominicks, Pavillions or Gelsons (now that’s just a place to shop if you just want to spend twice the money for the same item you can get at Ralphs. Something like $5.00 for a cupcake and like $45.00 for a bag of potato chips… you better get the shyt outta here with that madness you snooty bastards) Moving right along …after almost satiating of the Coconut combination that I had been eating solely for close to 4 months , I searched once more to see if there was anything else “Kind” could kindly offer me. And sure enough… I found their Almond, walnut, peanut and macadamia nut protein bar. Superb!!! So that is a regular staple now. Just a couple of days ago while perusing the health bar section I encountered oatmeal squares by corazonas. The bars were on sale, and it has been a while since I have had granola or oatmeal, so I picked up 2 of the Banana Walnut bars. I couldn’t have made a bigger mistake. I must have eaten those damn bars so fast I felt depressed that I hadn’t thought far enough in advance to snatch at least 10 while they were on sale to feast on whenever I saw fit. I am a creature with finicky taste buds and like to keep them pleased with foods that keep them that way, so I guess I was being cautious. But, I might have to try some of the other flavors for good measure.  
Now… I know some of you are thinking… “How can she just live off of those things without missing sweets and everyday treats and drinks???” Who said I stopped indulging in those??? I am on my quest to becoming a healthier human being, but I certainly haven’t made it yet. Some of my greatest vices now seem to be cookies, cakes and donuts and even a few drinks that I should never imbibe in. I remember a time for years where I wouldn’t even buy a candy bar except for rare occasions. Something like once every 6 to 8 months or something. I guess that really hasn’t changed all that much, but I have been enjoying chocolate chip and walnut cookies more frequently. I used to only eat them on the rare visits I made to Diddy Reese, and even then it was only one double chocolate chip with nuts because my main interest was in the Hawaiian shave ice with vanilla ice cream flavored with cherry and passion fruit syrup. Mmmmm, I would totally smash that right now… Hmmmm, that was inappropriate!!!  Next… it appears that I have also rediscovered my liking towards Hostess Fruit Filled pies. In particular, their lemon pies.  I really have to watch myself here. I could easily run through 4 pies a week if I am not in control of myself. I saw that I was trying to head for trouble when a few weeks back, I had been craving said pie, and I could not find one at the grocery store that usually carried them. I mean, they had every flavor except lemon. WTFruitsauce??? And when a shipment finally came in, I must have purchased 5 at one time. I looked at that and said to myself… “Hello, my name is Kare … and although I had not realized it… I am addicted to lemon pies!!!” I have curtailed that pretty well lately.  Here is the other thing. There is a donut shop right around the corner from my house. And being a late owl or what my friends know me by as more of the nocturnal type, come 1 am, I can pick up a piping hot cinnamon bun, chocolate on chocolate cake donut or a simple glaze twist, and straight KILL IT!!! BUT, naturally I do not want to eat just one. I think my body however has a better understanding about what it is I can actually eat opposed to what my mind wants to think I can. I caught myself purchasing 2 glazed twists at 3am, demolished one of them in under a minute, but the other just sort of cooled off and lingered around in my carry bag until I had finally decided to throw it away the following day.
As if that is not bad enough, I have re-discovered the joys of Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino. *Sigh* . Now I am not a coffee drinker in the normal sense of the word, BUT… some years ago I started drinking the little glass jars of the stuff in college until I found out about their chai cream vanilla frapp that didn’t have any coffee in it at all. That in addition to their wheat a nut bagels with butter extra well toasted had been my snack of choice. In the past 2 weeks I have had three 13.7 oz vanilla frapps. Since my re-discovery. I’m hopeful I’ll get tired of this drink as well. One drink that I have not tired of since I discovered it a couple of years ago is Sobe’s vita boom cranberry grapefruit flavored beverage. Why does this seem bad??? Mainly because this fruit flavored elixir has L – carnitine and Vitamin c but… it has no juice!!! How do you have a fruit beverage without having legitimate fruit juice in it??? But even still, I can’t stop drinking it!!! It’s like the Krispy Kream crack rock of beverages to me. Mmmmm Krispy Kream. You know they have a big one out there in Sydney Australia. Kinda tripped me out when I saw it. LOL. ADHD is kicking in full time for me right now, so I had better move on. LOL

 Let’s see. I’ve pretty much covered all of the healthy and unhealthy things I have been subjecting my body to in the last few days (and some of the things that I had not been telling you I have been doing for some months prior). It’s time to move onto the hair portion. First, I am glad to be able to state that I have not used any heat related tools in my hair or subjected it to cruel or unusual punishment by dousing it in chemicals and other damaging substances. The first time I plaited my hair in the mini twist style, it took me forever to take them down…BUT, they looked really cool!!! Sort of like miniature locks. I think it took me something like 7 hours to put them in in the first place and maybe an hour to remove them. I did them again in larger sections Tuesday night, but it still took me 5 hours to put them in. It is a bit of improvement in time, but I guess that will happen the better I get at styling my hair in that manner. I discovered however that my scalp is ultra dry and may have some additional issues. It seems like I have to do an ACV treatment every week (right before I wash my hair). I mean my scalp is really doing other things. As a matter of fact, my scalp was actually hurting to the point where if I touched it, I suffered from sharp pains in that area. I had re-wet my hair (including my scalp) set some hair  conditioner on it (with sage and wild mint), and oiled it with coconut oil to see if that would diminish the pain I was feeling in my scalp, but that barely did anything. The only time I felt any real relief was when I did an ACV treatment, felt my scalp tingling with the relief of quelling the cracked desert surface and soothing the parched nerves. Scabs had formed and everything as if there were small lacerations on my scalp. I wonder what that means. I have read different information that talks about scalp infections from putting wet products in one’s hair and putting the hair up in a style where the hair on the scalp doesn’t dry and mildew/ fungus/ infection develops or damage caused from wearing one’s hair too tight and pulling  the scalp in harmful ways , but I have not done either. So I am going to have to do some additional research about that. As soon as I discover anything of use, I will let you all know what I have found.

I had mentioned earlier “ACV treatment” so I would like to take the time to tell you what that is as well as a few other terms. I am also including a few websites from some of the healthy products that I enjoy.

·       Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV as used in abbreviated form is a liquid substance made from cider or apple must, and has a brownish-yellow color. It often is sold unfiltered and unpasteurized with the mother of vinegar present, as a natural product. Because of its acidity, apple cider vinegar may be very harsh, even burning, to the throat. If taken straight, (as opposed to used in cooking), it can be diluted (e.g., with fruit juice or water) before drinking or used in other manners.

 Mother of Vinegar - Also called Mycoderma aceti  is a substance composed of a form of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that develops on fermenting alcoholic liquids, which turns alcohol into acetic acid with the help of oxygen from the air. It is added to wine, cider, or other alcoholic liquids to produce vinegar. Mother of vinegar can also form in store-bought vinegar if there is some non-fermented sugar and/or alcohol contained in the vinegar. This is more common in unpasteurized vinegar. While not appetizing in appearance, mother of vinegar is completely harmless and the surrounding vinegar does not have to be discarded because of it. It can be filtered out using a coffee filter, used to start a bottle of vinegar, or simply left in and ignored.

·         ACV TREATMENT and Uses – An ACV treatment consists of mixing a tonic comprised of ACV and water (and sometimes additional ingredients like baking powder, sage, witch hazel or oils) that will be applied to the scalp in order to cleanse it and remove dandruff, dirt and other impurities. It also acts as an antibiotic to disinfect and remove bacteria that can be caused by not keeping a clean scalp. This treatment can be applied to just the scalp or to the scalp and hair just before washing the hair. It can also be used as a deep cleansing treatment by applying to the scalp or scalp and hair and letting the formula set for 30 minutes under a plastic cap. Some of the types of uses for AVC are listed below:
  •  Rinsing with apple cider vinegar will help balance the pH of your hair and remove the buildup that can result from the use of these styling products and inexpensive shampoos. To make a batch, just add 5 drops of the essential oil to 1 cup (250 ml) of apple cider vinegar. When you are ready to rinse your hair, take 1 tablespoon of this mixture and add it to 1 cup (250 ml) of warm water. You can use any of the following oils that work well with ACV: Lavender, Lemon, Rose, Rosemary, Sage
  • For an extra strength natural hair care product, apple cider vinegar can be infused with herbs such as stinging nettle, southernwood, goosegrass, plantain and burdock root all of which help prevent dandruff on their own. Tea tree oil is another excellent natural anti-dandruff ingredient, which can be added.
  • For bald and thinning areas apply to scalp an hour before shampooing- 2 Tbsp ACV mixed with a tiny pinch cayenne powder. Then before going to bed, mix a royal jelly capsule with one tsp ACV, pat on bald areas and leave overnight.  The following herbs have also been used to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth:  Burdock, Catnip, Chamomile, Lavender, Rosemary, Saw Palmetto, Thyme, Yucca
  • By infusing various herbs into the vinegar rinse, you can enhance different hair colors and condition hair at the same time. Here are some recommended herbs to use with apple cider vinegar: 
    • For dark hair:......Parsley, Rosemary, Sage
    • For light hair:.....Chamomile, Flannel Mullein, Marigold
    • For red hair:.......Henna
    • For oily hair:......Lavender, Thyme, Witch Hazel, Yarrow
    • For dry hair:.......Marigold
    • For brittle hair:...Horsetail
  • To make your own herbal hair rinse natural hair care product:
    1. Place 2 tablespoons of the dried herb (or herb mixture) into a muslin bag or tea ball and put in a warmed tea pot.
    2. Pour 1 pint (500 ml) of boiling water over the herbs and infuse for 2 hours.
    3. Allow the liquid to cool then pour it into a quart (1 liter) jar.
    4. Add 1 pint (500 ml) of apple cider vinegar and mix well.
  • To add extra fragrance to the herbal rinse, try adding a few drops of lavender or lemon or rose essential oils.
·         Lacerations- These are deep cuts on the skin.
·         Mildew – A coating of minute fungal hyphae (fungus) growing on plants or damp organic material such as paper.


Before I forget, here are a few pictures of my first mini twist set and my twist out!
This is what the back of my head looked like... 7 hours after I put the first twist in!

This is the front view with parts of it twisted down!

This is the side view of my hair twisted out. They look like little locks. I love em!
This is a front view. My eye looks super freaky here!!!

This is the front view of my twist out some 5 days later! I really liked it!
This is sort of a side view. I thought I looked cute in this picture. LOL!


Well, that is pretty much all I have to share for the time being. As always , thank you for reading, and I hope to entertain you again soon!!! Until then…

Adeus (^_^)